
Hair loss – EFT for psychological distress

For many sufferers, it is a traumatic experience when your hair is thinning or falling out. Your confidence hits rock bottom, you begin to dread evening invites because of overhead lights reflecting your scalp through your hair, and you begin to withdraw and become anxious. Suffering from hair loss can seriously increase your stress levels and make you obsessive about combing your hair the right way or try and hide the thinning areas or the patches with hats, caps or scarves. Anyone who has read my book Regrowing Hair Naturally will understand that I know what I’m talking about!

When you are stressed, your body becomes too acidic, which is not good for your hair. Your body needs to be alkaline for hair to regrow. As you all know by now, the Number One Thing To Do is to have a hair sample test done by me to find out which toxicities in your body make your hair fall out. But there is also something else you can do, and this is to help yourself relax around the hair loss issue.

EFT is a very good way of doing this. I offer Skype sessions to my hair loss clients to show them how to tap various acupuncture points in order to reduce the stress levels around their hair loss. Several clients have reported that this has helped them greatly, and I found that they needed less supplements to get the toxins out of the body than they did before they did the tapping. A Skype session is £40.

If you are unfamiliar with the EFT tapping, you will find lots of information on YouTube or the internet.

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